Leslie's Blog

Spice, girls
I have just finished writing A Book for Cooks (published by Merrell this autumn). This is a list of my 101 favourite cookery books (I collect them.) ...

Flowery Meadows
This year we decided to plant a pictorial meadow - pictorial because, though it looks similar to a wild flower meadow, the flowers are not all wild. We were just in time ...

Wild About Garlic
The chives and wild garlic are up and so is the sorrel (buckler leaved, like little medieval shields). Apparently, sorrel is so short-lived that you will never find it in a supermarket ...

Terracotta Pots
Where would we be without Ebay? This weekend we collected 30 large, antique terracotta plant pots from Essex ...
About the Author
Sadly, Leslie Geddes-Brown, a life-long journalist who worked as arts correspondent of The Sunday Times and deputy editor for both Country Life and World of Interiors, died in November 2020. Here are some of her blogs.