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We have the builders in
Apparently “having the builders in” ranks as one of the most stressful events in anyone’s life. But although we are having to adapt to some disruption, we are finding it all most exciting ...

The Joy Of Snowdrops
Although this winter has been wet, our snowdrops have not minded in the least - in fact they are exceptional this year ...

Season’s Greetings
Every Christmas Eve I wander round the gardens here at Columbine and tot up all the plants that are bringing me cheer ...

This is the time of year when I have a little more time to enjoy my homegrown efforts with warming soup, roasted root vegetables and apple crumbles all made from ingredients from the garden ...

Our garden adventure
Nothing beats a wander around a beautiful garden. Whether it’s a stately home, a National Trust property or a private garden, I always find it generates and inspires so many ideas ...

Transforming the bog garden
In my diary on the 15th of June, I wrote I felt worn out and excited - both! That was the day I started the transformation of our bog garden ...

A Good Hare Day
I arrived early this morning to find two hares down the driveway in front of me, black tips to their ears, their bodies elongated and golden brown with white bellies ...

Magic in the Meadow
As I write, there are hundreds of young plants in our newly sown wildflower meadow, ready to become the key that will unlock the door to even more of a magical mixture of wild flowers ...